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Give your vehicle a VIN exam
Every vehicle has a VIN. It is the "Vehicle Identification Number." Assigned at the time your vehicle was manufactured, it is unique to your vehicle. Think of it as your vehicle's DNA or fingerprint. No two vehicles have the same number. The VIN is used to track things like your vehicle's insurance policies, accident reports, and anytime you have body or engine work performed on your vehicle.

How to identify your vehicle’s VIN
Generally, the VIN number is 17 characters long. It looks like this:

Each character has a special meaning: Where the vehicle was made; who manufactured it; the make and model; and other unique and identifying features. When copying down your vehicle's VIN, it is important to note that the letters I or O will never appear in your VIN. These will be represented as the numbers 1 and 0.

Help me find my VIN…
There are a number of different places that your VIN may appear on your vehicle. (You should also be able to find it on your vehicle's insurance and title records.) Should you have any trouble locating the VIN, we recommend contacting your dealership or manufacturer who can help you find the exact location for the specific make and model of your vehicle.